State debt has decreased compared to both 2010 and 2012 figures, said Government Spokesperson András Giró-Szász in response to comments from the Socialist Party, that public debt had become “unprecedentedly” high.

He added that according to the National Bank of Hungary, the government debt stood at 85.3 percent of GDP in the spring of 2010, whereas by the end of 2012, it had fallen to 79 percent.

Mr. Giró-Szász said that the debt may have increased nominally because of the oversubscription of Hungary's dollar and forint-based securities, but added that the reserves thus created are being used to reduce the debt.

State debt is currently between 78 and 79 percent of the GDP, which is 0.5 percent below the late-2012 rate and 6 percent below the 2010 level.

(Prime Minister's Office)