It is the duty of all public personalities, politicians and teachers to keep the horrors of war in memory in order to prevent them from happening again, Minister of State heading the Prime Minister's Office János Lázár said at a commemorative event in tribute to the civilian victims of the Second World War in Budapest’s Farkasrét Cemetery on Tuesday.

János Lázár said that in the twentieth century, citizens of Budapest twice experienced what it means to become part of history as a civilian victim.

Photo: Zoltán Kapusi

He said young people today might find it difficult to understand how Hungary got involved in the Second World War, and so the Government will give priority support to the National Memorial Site Committee in order to create opportunities for youngsters to remember. Remembering victims with respect will be awarded special attention in new teaching and educational programmes.

Remembering is necessary to make sure that generations who grow up without experiencing the horrors of war do not lose fear of the consequences of senseless destruction, the Minister of State said.

Photo: Zoltán Kapusi

Wreaths were laid at the grave of civilian victims by, among others, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Tibor Benkő, President of the Kúria Péter Darák, Head of the State Audit Office László Domokos, Director-General of the Office of the President of the Republic Mária Ádám Haszonicsné, Klára Fülepp, wife of the late Prime Minister József Antall and Zoltán Lomnici, Chairman of the Council of Human Dignity.

(Prime Minister’s Office)