Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared on Kossuth Radio that the Hungarian Government faces criticism in the European Parliament while there are no concrete concerns.

Regarding the three debated questions of the 4th constitutional amendment articulated by President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, the Prime Minister stated that Hungary can accept his standpoint with regard to two of the issues. In relation to one of these issues, restrictions on the financing of electoral campaigns, the Prime Minister emphasized that the Government is willing to make an exception so that these regulations do not refer to European Parliament elections. Regarding the other debated issue, the transferral of court cases, he said that the Government would find a solution so that court proceedings classified as being EU issues cannot be transferred.

The Prime Minister pointed out that he had received more letters of appreciation from Israel and Hungarian Jewish communities with regard to the new regulation on the protection of the human dignity of minorities in the Fundamental Law, adding that the Government had made it clear that it will continue to act with zero tolerance against racial discrimination and particularly anti-Semitism.

Summarizing the European People's Party parliamentary group session in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Viktor Orbán said that he had received questions but no criticism from the representatives, adding "that the majority of those present acknowledge Hungary’s achievements".

Viktor Orbán declared that according to figures this year wages would increase, inflation would decrease and more jobs would be created.

(Prime Minister’s Office)