Prime Minister Viktor Orbán signed an agreement in Budapest with Chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, Balázs Győrffy.

Following the signing ceremony, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared that with the adoption of the Land Act Hungary has managed to protect Hungarian soil without violating EU laws. Listing the Government's achievements, the Prime Minister mentioned that illegal land ownership contracts were being successfully weeded out and the agricultural authority is now able to efficiently defend consumers from bad quality, unhealthy food products that are imported at dumped prices.

Photo: Gergely Botár

According to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Hungary is an agricultural country, because the Hungarians are talented at farming and cultivation, and a bright future awaits Hungarian agricultural communities.

Concerning the concentration of ownership and property, the Prime Minister said that there would be barriers to prevent this and trends indicated the strengthening of small and medium-sized farms, adding that a maximum of 20 percent of the properties may be large, state-owned estates, because the agricultural system cannot exist without them.

(Prime Minister's Office)