"Instead of introducing austerity measures, the Government chose to renew the economy", declared Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Budapest at a press conference following his discussions with Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

The Prime Minister said that an important element of the cabinet's politics was the rejection of austerity measures, because these cannot help to put the economy in order, and this is something that trade unions also agree on.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

Viktor Orbán emphasised that at their meeting he had informed the General Secretary  about the fact that an interesting economic reorganisation process is underway in Hungary "which is viewed as unorthodox in may countries around the world", whereas they would be closer to the truth to call it innovative, as it includes several inventive elements.

General Secretary Bernadette Ségol drew attention to the fact that the members of the European Council had last year adopted the roadmap relating to social affairs, the results of which are expected by the ETUC by the end of this month.

(Prime Minister's Office)