Hungary has regained its vitality and keeps getting stronger, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Budapest on Monday, addressing the unveiling ceremony of one-time Prime Minister István Bethlen (1874-1946).

The Prime Minister noted that Bethlen had entered office in 1921 amidst chaos, with Hungary hit by the consequences of World War I, revolutions and the peace treaty. The country lost positions in all fields, its economy stood on the verge of collapse and its foreign policy had utterly limited room for manoeuvring, he highlighted.

Photo: Károly Árvai

During his ten-year tenure, however, his government managed to put Hungary back on its feet. Bethlen was aware of the need of political and economic consolidation, and knew that foreign loans should be used for job creation rather than welfare, Prime Minister Orbán said.
He emphasised that Bethlen had always supported constructive forces and resisted destruction. This is why he opposed anti-Semitism, the anti-Jewish laws, World War II, Nazism and communism, he added.

Photo: Károly Árvai

"In 1990 we, Hungarians, took the shaping of our lives into our own hands in a similar situation as Bethlen did in 1921," the Prime Minister stated.
He stressed the need for making Hungary a strong country and said that his government still has many tasks on its plate but Hungary has regained its vitality, keeps getting stronger and has become able to improve its performance.

Bethlen's statue was erected near the presidential palace in the Buda Castle.

(Prime Minister’s Office)