Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has asked Minister of National Economy Mihály Varga to work out new measures to ensure Hungary's exit from the Excessive Deficit Procedure, Government Spokesperson András Giró-Szász said on Thursday. The Hungarian Prime Minister attended a board meeting of the ruling Fidesz party earlier on Thursday, focusing on necessary steps in connection with the EU procedure, he added.

The measures should be in line with the Government's economic and social policies, and also acceptable to the European Union. These should help Hungary leave behind the excessive deficit procedure, and the negative impacts of eight years of Socialist governments, before the end of 2013, he stated.

Mr. Giró-Szász added that the board had unanimously rejected fiscal measures "preferred by the European Commission", and which have already been introduced in several EU countries, because they are not compatible with the Government's policies and would increase the burdens on pensioners and people living on wages.

(Prime Minister’s Office)