The Hungarian Prime Minister visited Nestlé’s animal nutrition factory in Bük on the occasion of its latest expansion, where 150 new jobs were created through a 13 billion forint investment.

Prime Minister Orbán stated during his visit that in order to keep the economy from becoming fragile, Hungary needs to increase the number of employed people from 4 million to 5 – 5.5 million over the next two years. This rise should occur primarily in the field of industrial production, since this is least affected by the crisis. He also added that one of Hungary’s largest problems is the lack of the example of a working parent for today’s children.

Fotó: Burger Barna

Prime Minister Orbán emphasised that Nestlé’s success proves that there is no impossible task, only people who are unwilling to act. Speaking of multinational companies the Prime Minister mentioned two groups: the ones that arrive with a speculative agenda and the ones that seek long-term cooperation and aim to create new jobs. He added that the Hungarian Government welcomes the latter group, such as Nestlé, and wished the company high profits, which they could reinvest to create further jobs in the country.

Fotó: Burger Barna

Laurent Freixe, European Regional Director for Nestlé said that with this 13 billion forint investment, 150 new jobs were created at the factory in Bük making it one of the largest animal nutrition plants in Europe. Over the past five years, Nestlé has invested more than 30 billion forints into Hungary and by the end of 2012 will be employing 1750 people in the country.

(Prime Minister’s Office)