The Hungarian government is fighting to reduce public debt to below 50 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and looks to Lithuania's economic growth as a model, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Vilnius after talks with his Lithuanian counterpart Andrius Kubilius on Monday.

"We are waging a day-to-day war against debt", the Hungarian Prime Minister said, adding that Lithuania's 38% public debt rate was in comparison "freedom itself". He called Hungary's debt level of above 80% of GDP in 2010 - at the time Fidesz won the elections - something "close to debt serfdom".

Photo: Balázs Glódi

Prime Minister Orbán stated that Hungary would like to follow the same path as Lithuania. He added that Central Europe was looking ahead to a fantastic decade, with prospects of belonging to Europe's future success zone. At the moment, this is better reflected in Lithuania's economic indicators than Hungary's, he said. The Hungarian Prime Minister, who is in Vilnius on a one-day official visit, thanked the Lithuanians for supporting Hungary in difficult European debates during the past two years.

The two Prime Ministers discussed EU matters such as energy security, the Eastern Partnership and the settling of EU disputes as soon as possible. They also signed an agreement on youth cooperation between the two countries.

Photo: Balázs Glódi

Prime Minister Orbán also visited the University of Vilnius and awarded the Commanders Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary to former President Vytautas Landsbergis, who currently serves as a member of the European Parliament. The former President was honoured for his work in promoting human rights, European unity and furthering Hungarian-Lithuanian relations as well as for playing an important role in the region’s democratic transition.

(Prime Minister's Office)