President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz held talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Brussels on Wednesday. One of the main topics of their meeting was the issue of the European Union's budget framework for the period 2014-2020. Following his meeting with President Schulz, he told the press that the EP President had made it clear to him that "he is not the kind of man who would be prepared to sign a budget that has no real basis".

In the Prime Minister's view, this is a very important message. He himself promised President Schulz that he would do the utmost possible in the interests of an EU budget that was "clearly defined, transparent and established in a fair manner".

Prime Minister Orbán told the press that he had asked the EP president to follow Hungary's efforts with sympathy, and to help Hungary receive fair treatment from European institutions if at any time it feels it must defend its standpoint. He stressed that until now, Martin Schulz had been a good partner in this so far.