The Balkan region is not a problem but an opportunity for the European Union to help increase its leverage and economic clout, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at talks in Skopje on Thursday.

The Hungarian Prime Minister met his counterpart Nikola Gruevski during the one-day visit and said at a joint press conference that Hungary continues to support Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration.

DownloadPhoto: Barna BurgerHe stated after the meeting that the continent must change its way of thinking, for instance, about the Balkans, before Europe can return to pre-crisis levels in its influence and share in the global economy. "It is time someone in the EU clearly voiced the opinion -- and Hungary is happy to do so -- that the Balkans are not a problem for the EU but an opportunity," he pointed.

Hungary believes it is in everybody's interest that Macedonia should become an EU member as soon as possible, he said, adding that Macedonia has become a stable, democratic European state. It is also a key country in terms of the region's stability, he added.

DownloadPhoto: Barna BurgerPrime Minister Orbán emphasised that Hungary offered twenty state scholarships to Macedonian youth. Prime Minister Gruevski told journalists that Macedonia's integration was a key subject of talks with his Hungarian colleague. He said his country was grateful for Hungary and the other countries of the Visegrád Group for their help in the process.

Hungary and Macedonia hold good economic and political ties and Macedonia offers more and more to investors, including Hungarian businesses, as seen by a Macedonian-Hungarian business forum to be held later on Thursday, he said.

DownloadPhoto: Barna BurgerBefore the meeting, Hungary signed a cultural and a water management agreement with Macedonia. Prime Minister Orbán had also met Parliamentary Speaker Trajko Veljanovski earlier in the day and laid a wreath by a memorial for Macedonian freedom-fighters. He is scheduled to meet President Gjorge Ivanov and address the Macedonian-Hungarian business forum in the evening.

(Prime Minister’s Office)