A country may be strong and successful if an appropriate state administration and economic system is combined with the dedication and honesty of those in the service of the State, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stressed at the inauguration ceremony of the Law Enforcement Faculty of the National Public Service University held on Sunday.

“Allow me, please, to praise your courage first as you are entering into the service of your country during testing times”, Viktor Orbán said, and added, “the profession that you have chosen is one that involves a great deal of responsibility. We, Hungarians undertook two years ago”, the Prime Minister continued, “to build a strong and successful country. You as police officers must serve this common goal.”

photo: Gergely Botár

Hungarian people have done a great deal to make Hungary a country that is able to stand on its own two feet; we have closed the process of constitutional legislation that was in a state of transition for twenty years; we have curbed our state debt which threatened to bury the country; we have laid the foundations for a new and competitive economy; and are successfully resisting the waves of the euro zone keeping Hungary under permanent siege, Viktor Orbán listed.

“In the past two years, you have done a great deal to restore public order that was slowly disintegrating. Even the best of laws are worth little if there are no patriots to guard and maintain law and order. In the course of your work, you may continue to rely on us as your ally”, Viktor Orbán stressed.

photo: Gergely Botár

The Prime Minister also said that we can only put an end to a world where crimes remain unpunished and trickery pays better than honesty if we combine our efforts. Law enforcement training has been placed on new foundations, and higher education in law enforcement has been elevated to the rank of university training. Three thousand more police personnel are serving at present, and the legislature has introduced the three strikes law which serves as a deterrent for repeat offenders, the Prime Minister reminded his audience.

The Prime Minister remarked that Parliament will pass this week the Penal Code which will provide a more transparent background in law application. We have combined our resources in our resolve to put an end to a world in which the law benefits the realm of criminals. At the same time, we still have a great deal to do, the Prime Minister said. „Hungary expects four things of you; dedication, devotion to your profession, honest and fair work and self-esteem”, Viktor Orbán told the new police officers.
