The whole free world honours the Hungarians of 1956 who fought an open war against the communist system which had kept everyone in fear, and which was proven to be "irreparable", Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the state ceremony to commemorate the October 23 national holiday at Heroes' Square, Budapest.

He added that Hungarian freedom-fighters had revealed to the world that communism was impossible to correct or repair.

Photo: Gergely Botár

He also noted that in the twentieth century, Hungarians shook the Communist tyranny three times: in 1919, 1956 and 1989. Referring to the reburial of martyred Prime Minister Imre Nagy and other victims of the revolution in 1989, the Prime Minister recalled that it was at Heroes’ Square that the decisive blow was measured on the communists.

Viktor Orbán stressed that in the past years, his government had made decisions in the interests of Hungarians and Hungary’s sovereignty, and it had undertaken conflicts and won them.

Photo: Gergely Botár

The Prime Minister believes that Hungarians want to preserve these results. People gathered on Heroes’ Square to show they will not let pensions, wages, maternity benefits or low utility prices be taken away from them, and that they will never allow their families or municipalities to become indebted or Hungary to go bankrupt again.

The Prime Minister spoke about police brutality in 2006, noting that Hungarians voted for a new system in 2010 to replace the one which shot into the crowds of demonstrators.

According to Viktor Orbán, Hungary is approaching real liberation, but the support of the government is essential to protect the freedom of everyday life.

(Prime Minister’s Office)