Minister of State in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár announced at a press conference on Monday that the Hungarian Government proposes the complete ban of slot machines.

The Minister of State, alongside Government Spokesman András Giró-Szász, stated that previous measures only partly prevented disadvantaged people from spending state subsidies on slot machines and serious national security risks had also come to light regarding the activities of those with interests in the gambling industry.

János Lázár, András Giró-Szász (photo: Károly Árvai)

Therefore, Minister of State Lázár added, Parliament is expected to effect exceptionally urgent proceedings to adopt the proposal as early as this Tuesday, after which the new legislation could come into force by the end of the month. As a result, gambling machines will be banned in Hungary within the following weeks, except in "casino’s operating under concession". There are currently three such casinos operating in Hungary, he stated, and the Government plans to further tighten regulations regulating their future establishment.

The resulting approximately 20-30 billion forint shortfall in budget income would be replaced with income from proposed taxes on online gambling, the regulation of which will be worked out by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics.

(Prime Minister’s Office)