State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó and Macedonian Minister of Economy Valon Saracini, as co-chairs of the Macedonian-Hungarian joint economic committee, met on Wednesday to prepare the committee’s first session, scheduled for next year, the State Secretary’s Press Chief informed Hungarian News Agency MTI.

The two politicians have concluded that the agenda of the meeting will involve co-operation in energetics, mining, agriculture and tourism, in addition to which preparations for an agreement on a scholarship exchange programme will also commence.

Fotó: Botár Gergely

Following a discussion with Macedonian Head of Government Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a press conference that there is huge untapped potential in economic cooperation between the two countries; this is the reason behind the setting up of the joint committee, which will hold its first session next January.

(Prime Minister’s Office)