Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stressed after the 14 May 2012 faction meeting of the governing Fidesz-KDNP alliance that Parliament must remain in session until mid-July under any circumstances because the situation in Europe may require decisions which may involve Parliament. At the meeting, the Prime Minister also proposed a new Fidesz faction leader in the person of Antal Rogán.

At the meeting, Viktor Orbán said we must be prepared for the eventuality that the European economy will continue to remain unpredictable also in the months to come. He referred to the situation in Greece, and also to the uncertainty in France.

The Prime Minister therefore drew the attention of government-party MPs to the fact that the outlines of the 2013 budget must be prepared by the middle of the summer, and consequently, only part-decisions will be required within the larger units of the budget in September. He said they will attempt to create a predictable and plannable budget for the Hungarian economy, as far as permitted by the current circumstances in Europe.

The Prime Minister hopes that the new economic system that has been built in Hungary for the past two years as an ongoing process and has stabilised the Hungarian financial situation will, on the whole, be able to render a better performance than many would believe. At the same time, we must be cautious; we should lay down plans over-secured twice over as the crisis in Europe demands that every country pursue a prudent, conservative planning philosophy. He confirmed, nonetheless that if extra revenues emerge, they would like to use these for the reduction of the public burdens, taxes and contributions encumbering live labour. We cannot, however, speak about any such measures before the end of September or beginning of October as one cannot foresee the economic processes determining the whole of the year any sooner than in October.

As regards the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union, the Prime Minister stressed the Hungarian Government is committed to starting the negotiations and would like to bring them to a successful closure as soon as possible. He expects Mihály Varga, the new leader of the IMF negotiations to mediate the economic criteria, with regard to which changes may be required in Hungary’s economic policy.

Viktor Orbán informed government-party MPs of the changes in the Government and in the faction leadership, and proposed Antal Rogán as the new Fidesz faction leader who will replace János Lázár appointed to head the Prime Minister’s Office.
