The official launching of the Hungarian edition of the book entitled Come on Hungarians! – Orbán through Polish eyes, written by Igor Janke, was held today in Székesfehérvár. The Polish edition was published in Warsaw last December.

The author Igor Janke, who is a journalist at the second largest Polish national daily newspaper, the Rzeczpospolita, as well as the co-founder and co-owner of the largest Polish blog, Salon24, has been dealing with Hungarian affairs for many years. When writing the book, Igor Janke spoke with a variety of people including Orbán Viktor’s party associates, colleagues, political opponents and the Prime Minister himself, as well as examining the Prime Minister’s speeches, the works of his critics and the most important documents available. At the book launch, the Chairman of Rézbong publisher Gergely Kovács held an open discussion with Chief Editor of Heti Válasz Gábor Borókai and the leader of the newly formed Liberal Party Gábor Fodor.

Igor Janke declared in an interview that the book was a success in Poland and a large portion of the ten thousand copies printed had been sold, while he hopes that both English and German editions will also be published. Referring to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, he said that he had met in him a kind and intelligent man who is an exceptional political personality, adding that in the politics of the Prime Minister the goals are visible and he is advancing through hindrances to achieve them. In addition, Igor Janke said that he also has some critical views on the Prime Minister's policies, which are mainly related to the post-communist status of the country. Reacting to critics, Igor Janke stated that the country is not in need of external assistance like other European countries are, adding that Hungary could not be understood without first understanding the Treaty of Trianon.

(Prime Minister’s Office)