The National Development Agency (NDA) will take firmer action than previously against offshore companies, Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said on Thursday. 44 thousand applicants who have received EU funding through NDA tenders will soon receive a call to fill out a new statement, he explained.

Mr. Lázár, who was recently appointed head of the National Development Agency as Government Commissioner, said that the NDA would take firmer action against offshore companies than it had until now, including the current development policy institution system, which is already facing serious changes.

He stressed that the Fundamental Law of Hungary stipulates that only applicants with transparent ownership structures can have access to public monies.

In the new document used since 1 September, applicants must declare under penalty of criminal liability by what facts the organisation they represent fulfils each condition described in relevant legislation.

Regarding the timing of the enactment of the new legislation, the Minister of State said that accountability will be afforded an increasingly important role towards the end of the budget cycle. The State Audit Office had previously voiced explicit criticisms regarding deficiencies in the transparency law, and these are what the NDA is now remedying.

„We want to create a transparent environment in which it is made clear who has received public monies and for what purpose”, János Lázár stressed.

(Prime Minister’s Office)