According to the Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár, parallel to introducing voter registration, the relevant information possessed by the state’s should be radically reduced, and he therefore supports Fidesz Fraction Leader Antal Rogán’s proposal that would make the registration of permanent addresses unnecessary in Hungary.

Minister of State Lázár answered questions at a press briefing on Tuesday, stating that such a volume of population and residence records exceeds that permitted by rights regarding information self-determination.

Fraction Leader Rogán said in ATV television channel’s Sunday show that it is unnecessary for the state to record this data, adding that he would like to submit a proposal to this effect to Parliament.

At the press briefing on Tuesday, Minister of State Lázár also mentioned that at least two weeks are necessary for the details of voter pre-registration to be decided, and drew attention to the fact that there is also the technical issue regarding postal votes by Hungarians living abroad.

(Prime Minister’s Office)