Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office János Lázár, Deputy Head of ruling party Fidesz Lajos Kósa and Christian Democrat MP Imre Vejkey submitted the joint proposal of the Fidesz-KDNP coalition for new electoral procedures to the National Assembly on Tuesday, 18 September.

The proposal includes the introduction of voter pre-registration for elections, following international examples. Voting-age Hungarians will have 15 days before a given election to register, and their registration will be valid for the next three elections (general, local and European Parliament elections). Citizens will be able to register electronically, by mail and in person at public notaries. Those failing to register for the first election will have the opportunity to register for further elections after the first vote.

If Parliament passes the bill, candidates in the future will need 200 supporting signatures to run in the general elections, while 5000 signatures will be required for European Parliament elections, which can be collected until 31 days before election day.  Deputy Head of ruling party Fidesz Lajos Kósa said on Kossuth Radio Tuesday morning that the new electoral law would "open the door of democracy wide".

(Prime Minister’s Office)