János Lázár, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office provided an interview to British news agency Reuters on 5 February, in which he touched upon the most significant political and economic questions regarding the Government’s future activities.

He stressed that the main issue at Fidesz paliamentary group meeting this week was affordable energy prices. After a recent 10 per cent cut in energy prices, he said that further cuts to communal service prices were planned in the spring and an additional 20 per cent cut in gas and electricity bills would be desirable by June 2014.

With regard to a possible agreement with the IMF, the  Head of the Prime Minister’s Office underlined that Hungary can finance itself from markets but plans to honour strict European Union budget rules. Keeping the confidence of financial markets was of crucial importance, he said by adding that fiscal loosening was not possible.” The change at the helm of the central bank cannot bring uncertainty or question marks to this stability and positive financial trends,” he pointed out.

Lázár also said that he did not rule out a future government reshuffle, adding as an example that chief negotiator Mihály Varga might receive a serious position in the near future. On the appointment of a new central bank governer, the Head of the Prime Minister’s Office refused to comment on speculations but he stressed that the central bank governor’s personal integrity,honesty, moral credibility shall be beyond any doubt.

(Prime Minister’s Office)