Hungary is prepared for every eventuality in connection with the crisis in Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his regular Friday radio interview.

Hungary is following the Ukrainian events with special regard to Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, in the western part of the country, he said, adding that there were worries among the Transcarpathian Hungarians but no unrest. There have been no reports of families in trouble, and there is no flow of movement towards Hungary, he said.

Prime Minister Orbán also stressed that Hungary has expressed its sympathy and willingness to help Ukraine and declared that Hungarians wish peace and safety for Ukrainians.

On Thursday, the Prime Minister visited the Hungarian-Ukrainian border region where he was briefed about the situation by the police, border guards and healthcare staff.

Traffic has slowed at the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, and some of the road closures on the Polish-Ukrainian border have channelled more traffic towards Hungary, he said.

The Prime Minister also said that the Hungarian operative task group had held a meeting and that the national security cabinet and the interior ministers of the Visegrad Four would meet within the next few days.

(Prime Minister’s Office)