Hungary's economy has produced the best results in more than ten years, with the country arriving at the threshold of a great era of prosperity, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Sunday in his State of the Nation speech. He pointed out that Hungarians are slowly regaining confidence.

Public utility rates had been cut for the first time in forty years, the rate of inflation has dropped to a level unprecedented for decades, and the budget deficit has been kept below 3 percent of GDP for years, an eminent achievement within the European Union, the Prime Minister underlined. Wages and employment have increased and the rate of economic growth regularly surpasses the EU average, he stated, adding that the Government has even increased the value of pensions.

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Hungary was able to repay its debt to the International Monetary Fund and stand on its own two feet, the Prime Minister pointed out, adding that several of the country's initially criticised solutions have since been also adopted by others.

The number of jobholders has increased by a quarter of a million, but many people are still without work, he highlighted, adding that public utility prices have been reduced but they are still higher than the fair level. Minimum and average wages have been increased, but Hungarians are still far from having a security of livelihood and a comfortable life, he said.

Hungary has arrived at the threshold of a great era of prosperity, Prime Minister Orbán stated, encouraging voters "to cross that threshold together". There is still room for reducing labour taxes, cutting energy prices to the lowest level, giving jobs to all who want to work, enabling all young people to attend good schools that give them a chance in life, and enabling young people to raise as many children as they want, he emphasised.

Prime Minister Orbán said the victory of Fidesz in the 2010 election brought about the second change in regime in twenty years. “In 2010, it was time for another regime change: the goal was to formulate a strong Hungary. If the country is unsuccessful and inhuman, the people's chances of success are also low.” Quoting Abraham Lincoln, the prime minister characterised the spirit with “Of the People, by the People and for the People. The key to success is a healthy state and a government that is ready to act. This is what we call the system of national cooperation.”

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Borrowing a line from another great statesman, the Hungarian Prime Minister quoted Churchill saying that “nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result. I feel our lives are rather exhilarating.” Prime Minister Orbán’s annual speeches in assessment of the previous year began in 1999, following which it became a tradition that he upheld even during his years as leader of the opposition.

(Prime Minister's Office)