Hungary can be competitive through quality knowledge – Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár emphasised on Saturday in Hódmezővásárhely, southeast Hungary.

At the opening ceremony of the Gyulai József Natural Science Workshop, built using EU funding as part of the László Németh Elementary and Secondary School, the politician highlighted the fact that the Government’s measures are designed to encourage more students to choose engineering and natural science courses. The newly built laboratory will provide the conditions for students to deepen their knowledge of natural sciences.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Gergely Kelemen, MTI
Hungary can only be competitive in production if it has enough engineering professionals and young people with suitable technical knowledge of natural sciences – said Mr. Lázár, who also the region's Member of Parliament. Competitiveness is also dependent on companies having access to cheap electricity – he added.

Minister of State Lázár noted that the success of the Hungarian education it closely linked to secondary school teaching and whether there are teachers with sound scientific knowledge who not only go through the course material, but also make students interested in their field. The Government’s goal during the restructuring of the education system over the past 3 years was to make secondary schools the sites of elite education.

The new workshop, which contains 2 laboratories and supply rooms, and which cost HUF 325 million (EUR 1 million), can be used not only by the host school, but also by students from other schools in the area.

(Prime Minister's Office)