Hungarian farmers could expect an additional HUF 480-500 billion in direct subsidies during the EU’s next seven-year financing period, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Thursday, following talks with the President of the National Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Societies (Magosz).

The Prime Minister said that in the previous period, Hungarian farmers were entitled to less subsidies than their competitors, but in the wake of recent negotiations with the European Union, they no longer have reason to regard themselves as being at a disadvantage. The talks were attended by Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas and temporary head of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture Balázs Győrffy.

Viktor Orbán said the Government had fulfilled its mandate given by Magosz, that is, to ensure support for Hungarian farmers will not be reduced in any way. There was a risk of reduction since EU budget plans had originally included lowering subsidies, but a French-Polish-Romanian-Hungarian alliance succeeded in combating the decision.

What all this means for Hungary is that the budget for direct subsidies will be HUF 480-500 billion more in the next seven years than it was in the previous period, the Prime Minister explained.

Hungary’s financial disadvantages have therefore come to end, and it now depends on the talent of Hungarian farmers, the weather, good agricultural governance and effective representation of interests if we shall succeed in the European competition.

(Prime Minister’s Office)