Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, accompanied by State Secretary for Sport István Simicskó and Chairman of the Hungarian Swimming Association Tamás Gyárfás, handed over the Hungary’s bid for organising the International Swimming Federation’s (FINA) World Championships in 2021.

According to the joint press release of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Hungarian Swimming Association, a very positive discussion took place, where FINA Executive Director Cornel Marculescu appreciated Hungary’s candidacy as well as the fact that the Hungarian government is so committed to the event. To express his acknowledgement, Mr Marculescu handed over a memory plaquette to the Prime Minister.

Photo: Gergely Botár

At the end of February, Tamás Gyárfás informed the international association that Hungary would make a bid for the 2021 World Championships. At the end of March, Viktor Orbán received FINA’s Secretary General and Chairman of the European Swimming League (LEN) Paolo Barelli, who assured him of FINA’s support in Hungary’s bidding procedure.

In addition to Hungary, South Korea, Japan, China and the United Arab Emirates are also among the candidates. The selection of the preferred bidder will be made on 19 July by secret voting of the FINA Executive Committee.

(Prime Minister's Office)