Prime Minister Viktor Orbán signed a declaration of intent with his Slovenian counterpart Alenka Bratusek on developing road infrastructure and creating six new border crossing points between the two countries.

At their meeting in Apátistvánfalva, a Hungarian village bordering Slovenia, the event's moderator State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó said that in order to boost Central European competitiveness, borders linking people together rather than separating them are indispensable. According to the declaration of intent, the two countries’ governments are aiming to open six border crossings during the current European financial period, which will be funded through the EU's 2014-2020 development programme.

DownloadPhoto: Károly ÁrvaiThe two prime ministers also inaugurated a new road connecting two Hungarian municipalities, Felsőszölnök and Kétvölgy, reducing the distance between the two villages from 24 kilometres to only 5 kilometres. This route serves as an important route, facilitating faster access to the Kétvölgy- Čepinci crossing point.

(Prime Minister’s Office)