Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received his Polish counterpart, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, today in Budapest. The parties held a bilateral meeting, followed by the signing of intergovernmental agreements and a joint press conference.

On the subject of bilateral relations, Prime Minister Orbán stated that both trade and infrastructural investments between the two countries should be increased. He also pointed out that the Consulate General in Krakow, closed in 2009, will be reopened this spring. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk highlighted that the traditional friendship between Hungary and Poland is the closest it has ever been historically, since the two countries are building their European futures together, through joint efforts.

Photo: Gergely Botár

Prime Minister Orbán stated both parties agreed that utility prices available to the economy should be decreased, or else Europe will not be able to compete with the Russians, Americans or the Chinese, who can purchase energy at a much lower price. He also pointed out that the EU recently released its energy policy report, bringing this issue into focus in the coming months.

Regarding this topic, Polish Prime Minister Tusk emphasised that every country has the right to choose its own energy policy, stating that Hungary and Poland are cooperating successful on energy. Energy should never be used as a tool of political pressuring, he added. Europe should find its own appropriate energy sources, with relation to which Poland thinks shale gas should also be considered, the Polish Prime Minister underlined.

Photo: Gergely Botár

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, the two prime ministers agreed that a compromise should be achieved between the parties, while respecting the rights of every side, which is the precondition of assistance from international monetary institutions. The Polish Prime Minister underlined that no one has the right to intervene in Ukraine’s domestic affairs, but the parties must reach an agreement. Prime Minister Orbán stated that since Ukraine borders both Hungary and Poland, events there have an effect on its two neighbours as well. He welcomed that his Polish counterpart had taken the lead of initiatives aimed at settling the situation and expressed his hope that they will be able to present concrete recommendations following  the next meeting of the Visegrád Four.

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico and Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka will be joining their Hungarian and Polish colleagues tonight for a Visegrád Four dinner meeting, focusing on the situation in Ukraine. The meeting will be followed by a joint press conference in the Hungarian Parliament Building.

(Prime Minister’s Office)