With 2014 approaching, the beginning of Holocaust Memorial Year in Hungary is also imminent. The year-long commemorative event aims to reach out to the widest possible range of Hungarian society and to help the public understand, remember and mend the scars of one of the greatest traumas of Hungarian history.

As International Spokesperson for the Government, Ferenc Kumin explained the programme in detail: "In order to worthily commemorate the 70th anniversary of the tragic Hungarian Holocaust, the Government initiated the organisation of a year long series of commemorative events under the framework of the Holocaust Memorial Year. Preparations for the events are being carried out by a memorial committee set up in 2013, gathering representatives from public, private and civil spheres alike.

The Government has also established a civil fund with a budget of HUF 1.5 billion, within the framework of which NGOs and local governments may apply for funding with relation to programmes to be realised during the course of the year. It is of utmost importance for the Government to raise awareness of the destructive nature of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century as early as at primary school age. Accordingly, the Government was the first in the world to introduce a memorial day for the victims of the Holocaust in Hungarian schools and, in close cooperation with Jewish communities in Hungary, it is working on further means to strengthen the presence of these topics in our educational system.

As a continuation of commemorations organised under Raoul Wallenberg Year 2013 and Holocaust Memorial Year 2014, both initiated by the Government, Hungary will take over the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2015". The Hungarian Government is strongly committed to deepening knowledge of the Holocaust among the general public and to tackling even the smallest hint of anti-Semitism. This has been proven by several strong-worded comments from various state officials.

Regarding further information, please visit the dedicated website of the memorial year at: http://holocaustmemorialyear2014.gov.hu/

(Prime Minister’s Office)