Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has presented Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Bishop of Vienna, with the Grand Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit in Parliament, emphasizing that Europe is solidly based on Christianity. The bishop of Vienna received the award for the facilitation of Central European catholic cooperation, the determined support of Hungary and the constant protection of Europe’s Christian roots.

Viktor Orbán stated that a Europe that is forgetful of its Christian roots is similar to the man who builds his house on sand without foundations, and the finds it on the verge of collapse when it is flooded. The Prime Minister declared that Europe has to clarify its affiliation to its Christian history and solidify its identity in order to face the crisis successfully, because economic growth may only be achieved through the rising of souls and hearts. He also added that Europe has no heart without nations and no soul without Christianity.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

According to the bishop of Vienna, the award expresses the deep roots between the Austrian and Hungarian churches as well as the several hundred years of common history. Christoph Schönborn pointed out that „We all know that the roots of Europe may be found in Jewish-Christian traditions, Roman law and Greek culture”, expressed his thanks to Viktor Orbán for continuing to stand for these values and welcomed the fact that the new Hungarian constitution guarantees a central role for them.

Among those attending the award ceremony were Cardinal Péter Erdő, Primate and Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén, Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog and several State Secretaries.

On the occasion of a visit to Vienna in June, Viktor Orbán laid a wreath at the plaque commemorating Cardinal József Mindszenty, Bishop of Esztergom, and expressed his gratitude to Christoph Schönborn for being a partner in paying tribute to József Mindszenty, the Hungarian national hero, adding that this is a significant gesture on the part of the Austrian Catholic Church for the people of Hungary.

(Prime Minister's Office)