The achievements of Hungary's successful economic policy are also beginning to be felt in everyday life stated Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Friday.

During his interview on Kossuth Radio’s morning show, he explained: almost 4 million people are currently working, 235 thousand more than in 2010, when the previous government left office. Wages are also constantly rising thanks to tax cuts, utility charges are decreasing and the inflation is at a record low – lower than any time during the last 40 years.

DownloadPhoto: MTI, Szilárd Koszticsák

The Prime Minister also said that at the end of the current term, it can safely be stated that the economy was growing during 3 out of this Government's 4 years in office. This is the achievement of the people who want to work and who understood that they need to participate in the renewal of the country.
Regarding the cases of VAT fraud, he called for tangible evidence, as none has been made public so far. VAT fraud was common in Hungary and the Government took steps to combat these problems; reversed VAT has been introduced in the grain market, VAT has been decreased in the pig sector, the Government is also considering reversed VAT for sugar, and has introduced a law that requires cash registers to have an online connection to the tax authorities, all of which are measures to combat tax fraud.

Prime Minister Orbán also talked about the interest cuts and the Loan Programme for Growth that made loans accessible to SME-s. Investment increased in Q3 of 2013 and new R&D facilities are being established, which is essential for Hungary “not to be the unskilled workers of the world, but rather its skilled workforce, and later the engineers of the world.”

The Prime Minister also highlighted the fact that the reform of the tax system, the Childcare Allowance Extra scheme and the introduction of all-day day school are aimed at encouraging Hungarians to have more children, because today Hungarians are and “endangered species, our numbers are continuously dwindling.”

(Prime Minister's Office)