Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary for International Communications, today hosted a working lunch with a delegation from the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism (ICCA), an organization bringing together Parliamentarians from around the world to lead the fight global against anti-Semitism. During their visit to Hungary, the delegation held talks with Hungarian government and party officials.

The International Spokesperson informed the delegation about the Government’s measures aimed at clamping down on anti-Semitic tendencies. He highlighted in particular the current amendments to the parliamentary house rules aimed at preventing extreme ideas being expressed, and recalled the creation of the Holocaust Memorial Committee, an organization responsible for preparing the commemorative events during 2014 to mark the 70th anniversary of the deportation of Hungarian Jews. The Holocaust Commemoration Year provides an opportunity for the whole nation to face the past and apologise for its past actions, the International Spokesperson stressed. Although the members of the delegation gave voice to their concerns about extreme voices being occasionally represented in Hungarian Parliament, they also expressed their clear appreciation as to recent actions taken against anti-Semitism and the Government’s firm commitment in this regard.

The delegation’s visit in Hungary ended with a press conference on 26 January, where the organization’s leader, Italian Member of Parliament Fiamma Nirenstein reemphasized the delegation’s positive impression gained in the wake of the talks.
