The governments of Hungary and China have issued a joint statement in order to deepen bilateral cooperation. According to the document, which was issued at the end of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s official visit to Beijing, the two countries will endeavour to strengthen communication and cooperation, to promote joint development along the principles of mutual benefits and shared profits, and to contribute to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and prosperity.

The parties noted that Hungary and China would celebrate the 65th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties in 2014, on which occasion they will continue high-level dialogue, deepen mutual political confidence, broaden practical cooperation in all areas, and give further momentum the partnership between the two nations.

The statement also said that the parties would “respect the course of direction each has chosen in line with their countries' specific conditions”. Hungary appreciates China's reform achievements and respects the country's long-term plans to implement those reforms, and hopes that the process will yield more and more opportunities for the world, the document said. Similarly, China supports Hungary's European integration and its efforts to develop its own economic and social policy. Signatories to the statement confirmed that they respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and Hungary firmly supports the One-China principle.

The document also stated that China's policies of opening and Hungary's Opening towards the East Policy coincided in a number of important areas, adding that cooperation should further be promoted in finance, business, telecommunications and infrastructure development.

China welcomes Hungarian investment and urges Chinese companies to import more Hungarian products and make more investment in Hungary. Hungary will ensure good investment conditions for Chinese companies, the statement said. Hungary and China will also continue cooperating in education and science, as well as in exchange programmes for young people, tourism, and municipal relations. The document also notes that during the course of the Hungarian delegation’s visit, a number of bilateral and business agreements were signed in the areas of economy, trade, investment and infrastructure development.

The statement also includes an invitation from Prime Minister Orbán to his Chinese counterpart for a visit to Hungary, which Premier Li Keqiang has accepted.

(Prime Minister's Office)