More than two decades after the fall of Communism, it is possible to objectively assess the political transition, therefore the Government considers it necessary to set up an institution which deals with significant events of this era from historical, sociological, legal and economic aspects.

The Archives and Research Institute for History of the Hungarian Regime Change is an independent body, whose director will be appointed for a 5-year period by the Minister of State heading the Prime Minister’s Office.

The main activities of the Institute include exploring the theoretical, political and historical antecedents as well as giving an insight to the social and political situation of the regime change and the preceding era. It also seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of political transitions in neighbouring countries and the influence of Hungarians living there. In addition, the Institute will compile analyses on the consequences of the regime change.

In 2010, the Government opted to face and close the Communist past. In order to carry out this work efficiently, it is vital that the events of this era are understood and presented in a detailed way.

(Prime Minister's Office)