Tourism is exiting the economic crisis and according to estimates the volume of tourism this year could beat last year's record by a further 8 percent with a total of 23-24 million guests nights spent in tourist accommodation by holidaymakers from both at home and abroad, the Office of the Prime Minister's Deputy State Secretary for development programmes announced.

According to Nándor Csepreghy, last year's 1200 billion forint revenue means tourism is responsible for 7 percent of Hungary's GDP, and the task is to increase this ratio to 15-18 percent in the coming years. Over 600 development projects of various sizes aimed at increasing Hungary's attractiveness have been realised at a total value of 150 billion forints within the framework of the New Széchényi Plan, predominantly with the use of EU funding, including among many others the construction of new hotels, projects relating to health tourism, spa expansions, the protection of natural and cultural heritage, and better conditions and infrastructure for their access. We are, however, lagging behind with regard to conference tourism and related infrastructure, and so for example one of the tasks ahead in Budapest is the construction of a new conference centre.

The Deputy State Secretary pointed out that in the upcoming 2014-2020 EU financing period the main emphasis when it comes to tourism-related development projects would centre around increasing attractiveness to tourism, improving the conditions in the catering and accommodation sectors and the realisation of tourist attractions that improve the country's image.

According to the Government's concept, the increased tourist volume achieved as a result would enable extra funding for the construction of further hotels in the given region, the expansion of thermal spas and the establishment of even more cycling routes. This would also lead to a general improvement in service quality, which is important because tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sectors throughout the world and we must mot fall behind in the global competition, Nándor Csepreghy stressed.

(Prime Minister’s Office)