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Registration for Diploma Rescue Programme begins

Ministry for National Economy, March 13, 2014 2:26 PM

Applicants of the Government-initiated Diploma Rescue Programme can register themselves as of this this week at the official website of OFA (National Employment Public Nonprofit Ltd), and English, German and French language courses are scheduled to be launched as early as the end of April, Minister of State for Employment Sándor Czomba said at a press conference jointly organized by the Ministry for National Economy and OFA.

Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics: the aim is to see everyone get a job fitting his or her capabilities

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 12, 2014 6:36 PM

Over the past four years, the Government has taken a lot of steps in the spirit of creating a society based on work in which everyone, who’s able to work could find the right job and form of employment fitting his or her own capabilities – said Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics at a press conference held in Veszprém today.

Monika Balatoni: a good government is willing to ensure the employment of disabled people

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 12, 2014 4:58 PM

A Good State is there to help disabled students in higher education getting employed– reported Monika Balatoni, Minister of State for Public Diplomacy and Relations of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice at a press conference in Budapest this Wednesday.

Visegrád Four hold business management conference in Budapest

Ministry for National Economy, March 12, 2014 4:54 PM

A conference on business management organised by the Visegrád Four grouping was held in Budapest on Wednesday.

Younger generations should become familiar with the EU

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 12, 2014 4:44 PM

Enikő Győri, Minister of State for EU Affairs, declared that the younger generations should become familiar with the EU so that they can learn about the advantages of EU membership.

Takata to build 68 million euro plant in Miskolc

Prime Minister’s Office, March 12, 2014 4:42 PM

Takata's 68 million euro investment in Miskolc is an example of how the northeast Hungarian city is once again becoming an industrial and economic centre, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán state on Wednesday at the foundationstone-laying ceremony for the Japanese car supplier's new plant.

Erasmus+ programme launched in Budapest

Ministry of Human Resources, March 12, 2014 4:18 PM

A conference was organised on Wednesday in Budapest to mark the launching of the European Union's new Erasmus+ funding programme for education, training, youth and sport.

17 percent more Hungarian organ transplants in 2013

Ministry of Human Resources, March 12, 2014 4:13 PM

The number of organ transplants in Hungary rose by 17 percent last year, mainly due to the fact that in 2012 Hungary joined the Eurotransplant international organ donor organisation, Minister of State for Health Miklós Szócska said on Wednesday in Budapest.

Minister Martonyi urges signing of the EU-Malaysia free trade agreement

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 12, 2014 4:05 PM

It is in Hungary's interests that talks between Malaysia and the European Union on a free trade pact should advance forward and reach an agreement as quickly as possible, Foreign Minister János Martonyi declared following his meeting with his Malaysian counterpart in Budapest on Wednesday.

Semmelweis University Hospital receives new building

Ministry of Human Resources, March 12, 2014 12:00 PM

The new central building of the Semmelweis University Hospital in Budapest has reached structural completion, marked with a topping out ceremony on 11 March attended by Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog.