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Hungarian pavilion at the 13th International Architecture Biennale in Venice

Ministry of National Development, August 28, 2012 6:14 PM

Ernő Kálmán architect, board member of the International Union of Architects and Judit Hammerstein Deputy State Secretary for Cultural Affairs viewing the Hungarian pavilion at 13th International Architecture Biennale in Venice. The Hungarian pavilion titled Spacemaker displays models 560 architect students and 50 children. The Biennial is open until 25 November.

Hungarian-Slovak Inter-Governmental Talks regarding Cross-Border Cooperation

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 28, 2012 5:33 PM

Infrastructure development, situation of cross-border public transport services, employment issues – these were the topics, amongst others, that were discussed at the co-chair meeting of the Inter-Governmental Joint Hungarian-Slovak Commission for Cross-Border Cooperation held at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice today.

Deputy State Secretary Czomba speaks at the expansion of British American Tobacco’s plant in Pécs

Ministry for National Economy, August 28, 2012 4:52 PM

Sándor Czomba, Deputy State Secretary for Employment spoke today at the inauguration of a new factory hall at British American Tobacco’s plant in Pécs. He praised the company’s long-term commitment to Hungary, where this year it is investing nearly 3 billion forints (over 10 million euros) and creating new jobs.

Hungarian officials attend United States Republican and Democratic National Conventions

Prime Minister’s Office, August 28, 2012 3:55 PM

The 2012 Republican National Convention is being held this week in Tampa, Florida, at which the party will nominate its presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the upcoming elections.

The Greatest Boost in Employment since Change of Government

Ministry for National Economy, August 28, 2012 3:42 PM

According to Central Statistics Office (KSH) data, in May-July 2012 the unemployment rate has receded to 10.5% from 10.9%. Among the 15-74 age group, the number of people employed rose to over 3.908 million, the highest figure since the onset of the economic crisis in the autumn of 2008.

The State reclaims illegitimately used compensation funds from Claims Conference

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 27, 2012 6:32 PM

The US organization, Claims Conference, appointed in 2007 to disburse funds to holocaust survivors of Hungarian origin living abroad, has to date failed to render a legitimate account of the compensation funds that the Hungarian State provided for holocaust survivors, Government Commissioner András Levente Gál informed the US and Israeli Embassies today.

Hungary's law enforcement organisations held a complex counter-terrorism exercise at the Batthyány tér station of metro line 2 early on Monday

Government, August 27, 2012 5:53 PM

The exercise, which started at midnight, simulated a terrorist attack, and was aimed at coordinating the activities of participating organizations to make public transport safer.

Hungarology Conference in Budapest

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, August 27, 2012 5:13 PM

A conference was held today at the Balassi Institute in Budapest on the experiences of teaching Hungarian language and culture. Speeches were also made at the event by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics and Minister of State for Social Relations Zoltán Kovács.

Prime Minister Orbán met with CSU fraction leader Gerda Hasselfeldt

Prime Minister’s Office, August 27, 2012 3:01 PM

Prime Minister Orbán met today with Gerda Hasselfeldt, fraction leader of the German Christian Social Union (CSU).

Prime Minister Orbán speaks at Nestlé’s factory expansion in Bük

Prime Minister’s Office, August 27, 2012 1:05 PM

The Hungarian Prime Minister visited Nestlé’s animal nutrition factory in Bük on the occasion of its latest expansion, where 150 new jobs were created through a 13 billion forint investment.