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Deputy State Secretary Szabolcs Takács met with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 17, 2012 12:44 PM

Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs Szabolcs Takács travelled to Geneva on 13 September to participate in a panel discussion of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council regarding intimidation or reprisal against individuals and groups who cooperate with the UN in the field of human rights.

Lithuanian-Hungarian cooperation regarding the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Ministry of Rural Development, September 17, 2012 11:46 AM

A two-year cooperation agreement has been signed by President of the Hungarian Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) Péter Palkovics and Saulius Silickas, Director of the Lithuanian National Paying Agency during the 32nd conference of Agricultural Paying Agencies organised within the framework of Cyprus's presidency of the EU, the MVH told Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday.

Plaque unveiled in Berehove, Ukraine honouring former President of Hungary Ferenc Mádl

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 17, 2012 11:36 AM

A ceremony was held honoring late President of the Republic Ferenc Mádl and a commemorative plaque was dedicated to his memory. The tablet was set up at the Ferenc Rákóczi II Hungarian College in Beregszász (Berehove) on September 15, 2012. Ambassador Klára Breuer, Chief of Cabinet to Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi and former Foreign Policy Advisor to President Mádl, gave a speech at the event.

Hungary Is a Strong Ally in an Important Region

Ministry of Defence, September 17, 2012 8:58 AM

United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta received Defense Minister Csaba Hende for a one-hour discussion in the Pentagon on September 14.

The Resolution of IAEA Board of Governors Voices Concerns Over Iran’s Nuclear Program

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 14, 2012 4:39 PM

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) adopted a resolution voicing serious concerns about Iran’s nuclear program 14 September. Hungary as a member of the Board of Governors also voted in favor of the resolution.

Memorial conference in honour of martyred Polish politician and journalist Henryk Sławik

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 14, 2012 3:10 PM

The Embassy of the Polish Republic in Budapest, in cooperation with the Polish Institute and the Holocaust Memorial Center, have organised a conference to honour the memory of Henryk Sławik, who saved the lives of thousands of people − Polish military and civilians, as well as some 5,000 Jews – during the Second World War.

Foreign Diplomats visit Agricultural Producers' Show Market

Ministry of Rural Development, September 14, 2012 2:45 PM

The Ministry of Rural Development invited several foreign diplomats accredited to Hungary to the Vidék Mustra rural agricultural producers' show market on Kossuth Square. Minster for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas and State Secretary Gyula Budai greeted the guests at the event. Ambassadors and diplomats from fifteen countries attended the first such market show, which will be followed by several similar presentations for other diplomatic representatives.

Cross-border cooperation between Hungary and Slovenia

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, September 13, 2012 5:22 PM

Today in Szentgotthárd participants at the fourth sitting of the Hungary – Slovenia Cross-border Joint Committee discussed issues affecting the region’s infrastructure and rural development, cooperation in agriculture, joint action on environmental protection, present and planned links in tourism and culture, and the possibilities for economic cooperation.

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary on the Attacks against the Consulate of the United States in Benghazi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 13, 2012 5:15 PM

The Government of Hungary learnt astonished that the US Mission in Benghazi, Libya was attacked, and the US Ambassador to Libya and three other American citizens lost their lives.

IBM has increased the number of its employees in Székesfehérvár

Prime Minister’s Office, September 13, 2012 4:56 PM

The Székesfehérvár division of IBM Data Storage Systems has increased the number of its employees by 180 after having been awarded 370 million HUF for expanding capacity from the 1.5 billion forints available through the New Széchenyi Plan.