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New electric car charging column installed in Budapest

Ministry for National Economy, March 25, 2014 4:08 PM

The Ányos Jedlik Programme, which is currently being prepared at the Ministry for National Economy, essentially aims to ready the country for the expected technical revolution to take place in transportation, such as electro-mobility, Minister of State for Economic Regulation Kristóf Szatmáry said as a new electric car charging column was presented in Budapest.

National professional database for raising standard of community transport

Ministry of National Development, March 25, 2014 3:24 PM

Minister of State for Infrastructure Pál Völner inaugurated the new Centre for Transport Methodology of the Institute for Transport Sciences (KTI) in Budapest on 25 March, 2014. As its primary function, the Centre is to provide uniform, real-time timetable and transport data with a nationwide coverage for organisations operating in community transport and for passengers.

Lego plant inaugurated

Prime Minister’s Office, March 25, 2014 3:23 PM

Hungary welcomes all investments that help the country become a production centre, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the inauguration of Danish Lego Group's new plant in Nyíregyháza, eastern Hungary, on Tuesday.

Salgótarján hospital gets neonatal ward upgrade

Ministry of Human Resources, March 25, 2014 12:39 PM

Minister of State for Healthcare Miklós Szócska inaugurated the refurbished neonatal ward of the St Lazar Hospital in the northeast Hungarian town of Salgótarján on Friday.

Hungary denies the false allegations made by Lebanese Al-Manar television

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 25, 2014 11:31 AM

Lebanese Al-Manar television made the false allegation that Hungary’s Ambassador to Lebanon, László Váradi, had made a statement during his visit to a museum in Lebanon. Other media outlets also publicised this piece of false news without checking its authenticity.

Budapest Spring Festival opens with Uffizi Gallery exhibition

Ministry of Human Resources, March 25, 2014 10:25 AM

The 34th Budapest Spring Festival opened on Friday with a guest exhibition of self-portraits by Hungarian artists from Florence’s Uffizi Gallery in the Budapest History Museum (BTM). Human Resources Minister Zoltán Balog said at the opening that this year’s Festival offers twice as many performances as the previous one and state funding for the event has also been doubled.

Dabas high school gets new lab

Ministry of Human Resources, March 25, 2014 9:37 AM

Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Human Resources András Doncsev inaugurated a science laboratory at the Mihály Táncsics high school in the central Hungarian town of Dabas on Monday.

Eight Hungarian employers receive award for disability-friendly workplace

Ministry of Human Resources, March 25, 2014 9:35 AM

Eight employers, including the municipalities of two Budapest districts, received awards for disability-friendly workplaces on Monday; the award was founded in 2010 and is jointly managed by the Ministry for Human Resources, the Salva Vita Foundation and the Hungarian-American Chamber of Commerce.

Hungary launches targeted breast screening programs

Ministry of Human Resources, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM

Hungary will hold a set of targeted screening programs to draw public attention to these preventative measures, Minister of State for Health Miklós Szócska said on Saturday at a screening event in Budapest’s 18th district. Mr. Szócska said the first such screening will be the “Night of screenings” on 25 April, when many screening locations will be open until 10 p.m. or midnight, while another 35 private screening facilities will also be open until at least 10 p.m.

Hungarian Holocaust exhibition opens in Moscow

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, March 25, 2014 8:16 AM

Monika Balatoni, Hungarian Minister of State for Public Diplomacy and Relations , opened a Hungarian Holocaust exhibition in Moscow on Monday.