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Prime Minister pledges protection for Jews in Hungary

Prime Minister’s Office, December 3, 2012 5:59 PM

Radical nationalist Jobbik’s MP, Márton Gyöngyösi's parliamentary address a week ago was unworthy of Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Parliament on Monday.

Government Intends to Tighten Up Soldiers’ Legal Status

Ministry of Defence, December 3, 2012 5:10 PM

The government of Hungary put forward a bill on the soldiers’ legal status which proposes more stringent but more just legislation, putting more emphasis on individual responsibility, Tamás Vargha, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence said in his speech delivered in Parliament.

Tasks of Hungarian Force Protection Personnel at KAIA Increasing

Ministry of Defence, December 3, 2012 5:09 PM

The Hungarian soldiers serving with the Force Protection Group at Kabul International Airport (KAIA) have an ever-expanding workload. The preparations for the 2014 withdrawal are already under way, and in consequence there has recently been a significant increase in the traffic at the airport of the Afghan capital, Col. László Benda, the Force Protection Group Commander of the Kabul International Airport told Hungarian News Agency MTI in an interview on Saturday, December 1.

No Discrimination in the Hungarian Defence Forces

Ministry of Defence, December 3, 2012 5:08 PM

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the National Roma Self-Government (OCÖ) have signed a cooperation agreement on providing education and finding jobs for young gypsies who are fit for and have interest in the military service; the document was signed by Minister of Defence Csaba Hende and Flórián Farkas, the president of the OCÖ in Budapest on November 27.

Minister of State Cséfalvay: Hungarian economic policy conforms to EU standards

Ministry for National Economy, December 3, 2012 3:44 PM

The economic policy of the Hungarian Government is in accordance with priorities defined by the European Union, and some of their recommendations have already been implemented due to Government measures, Minister of State for Economic Policy at the Ministry for National Economy Zoltán Cséfalvay said at the Monday session of the Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs.

Talks on taxes underway with EU/IMF

, December 3, 2012 1:57 PM

Hungary can repay its maturing debt next year if external conditions remain unchanged, Minister Mihály Varga, the country's chief negotiator in talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union, said on public television on Monday.

Tibor Navracsics: by the beginning of 2014 the country will be more competitive

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, December 1, 2012 2:43 PM

At a public forum on Friday in the Hungarian town of Szolnok, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics said that the Government hopes that by the beginning of 2014 the country will be stronger, cleaner and tidier. In this way it will be better able to withstand the ‘global storms’ and address challenges more competitively when economic growth resumes in Europe.

Washington responds positively to Hungary’s changes in the most criticised areas

Prime Minister’s Office, December 1, 2012 1:53 PM

The United States reacted positively to Hungary’s position on the areas of change for which it has drawn most criticism, said Deputy State Secretary for International Communications Ferenc Kumin on Friday, summing up the discussions he had in New York and Washington during his week-long visit to the United States.

Minister of State Cséfalvay: EU funds must be used efficiently

Ministry for National Economy, December 1, 2012 12:48 PM

The optimal application of EU resources for Hungary and their utilization to enhance growth were identified as key tasks by Minister of State for Economic Strategy at the Ministry for National Economy Zoltán Cséfalvay at an international conference on European growth prospects in Budapest organized by the European Commission Representation in Hungary on Friday.

The government managed to turn over the bad tendencies

Prime Minister’s Office, November 30, 2012 5:46 PM

According to the Prime Minister, the new law on electoral procedure "will obviously have" a constitutional check by the Constitutional Court and "this is a good thing". Viktor Orbán spoke about the issue on Kossuth Rádio's 180 minutes program on Friday.