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Defence Minister Csaba Hende Visits the Baltic States

Ministry of Defence, January 16, 2013 10:26 AM

Between January 16 and 18, Minister of Defence Csaba Hende is paying a three-day visit to the Baltic states at the invitation of the defence ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, accompanied by Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz, the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff.

New Export Opportunities for Hungarian Agricultural Products

Ministry of Rural Development, January 16, 2013 9:43 AM

"Food exports have fallen over the past decades, but pork, poultry and fish have the required animal health certificates and we have now succeeded in regaining our market positions", said the Ministry of Rural Development's State Secretary for Food Chain Supervision and Agricultural Administration Endre Kardeván at the conference on the agricultural economy organised by Baki Agrocentrum Ltd. in Zalaegerszeg on Monday.

Róbert Répássy and Slomó Köves consulted on issues related to incitement to hatred against communities

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 16, 2013 8:17 AM

Minister of State for Justice Róbert Répássy had talks today with Slomó Köves, Executive Rabbi of the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation and his colleagues, attorney-at-law Dr István László Fekete and the representatives of the Action and Protection Foundation, Managing Director Kálmán Szalai and President of the Board Dániel Bodnár, with respect to issues of law application related to the offence of incitement to hatred against identifiable groups. The meeting held at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice was initiated by Slomó Köves.

State Secretary Bába’s speech at the opening of the “Images of Croatia” exhibition

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 15, 2013 5:33 PM

Poštovani Gosti, Dame i Gospodo!
Želim Vam se zahvaliti na vašem odazivu na današnje prisjećanje na dvadeset i prvu obljetnicu osnutka diplomatskih odnosa Mađarske i Hrvatske. Bilateralne veze dvije zemlje sustavno se razvijaju od dana kada je Hrvatska proglasila nezavisnost. Odnosi su uzajamno proglašeni odličnim i partnerskim s obje strane.

State Secretary Bába Opened Exhibition Dedicated to Croatia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 15, 2013 5:31 PM

A photo exhibition entitled „Images of Croatia” was opened January 15, in the building of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the twenty-first anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Hungary and Croatia. The exhibition will also be displayed at other venues in the country.

Deputy State Secretary Received Hungarian Actress, face of the Hungarian-Italian Cultural Season

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 15, 2013 5:18 PM

Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle met with actress Andrea Osvárt, the „face” of the current Hungarian-Italian cultural season, which includes concerts, exhibitions, performances, film screenings and book presentations which will be held in six Hungarian and eight Italian cities.

A Ministerial Commissioner to Coordinate Preparations for the 2013 Budapest World Water Summit

Ministry of Rural Development, January 15, 2013 4:17 PM

In October 2013, Hungary will host an international conference on water with the participation of UN member nations and institutions, and all related economic and social players (The Budapest World Water Summit). Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas has appointed Chief Advisor István Teplán Ministerial Commissioner to represent the Ministry in the preparation and organisation of the conference, and to serve as Vice-President of the Inter-ministerial Preparatory Committee.

Government to motivate capital investments

Ministry for National Economy, January 15, 2013 3:51 PM

In order to stimulate growth, the Government aims to motivate capital investments, Minister of State for Taxation and Financial Affairs Gyula Pleschinger said at an economic conference held in Vienna on Tuesday.

Hungarian Commander of Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan

Ministry of Defence, January 15, 2013 2:58 PM

As from January 15, Col. Tamás Sándor, the commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces Special Operations Contingent fills the position of deputy chief of staff for operations and intelligence at the headquarters of Task Force 10, which directs the special operations forces (SOF) units in Afghanistan.

The History of the Nation Is the History of Belonging of the People Living in It

Ministry of Defence, January 15, 2013 2:56 PM

The history of a community, a nation is the history of belonging of the people living in it, so it is important that every generation should know what our predecessors had undergone – the Minister of Defence said in Csepel during a commemoration held to mark the 70th anniversary of the Don catastrophe on January 14.