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Hungary joins Eurotransplant

Ministry of Human Resources, May 27, 2013 4:01 PM

Hungary will join Eurotransplant, the international organisation responsible for coordinating organ transplants in its member countries, as a full member on July 1, under an agreement signed in Budapest on Monday.

Hungarian-Finnish Seminar on Roma Issues

Ministry of Human Resources, May 27, 2013 3:57 PM

Integration of the Roma is hopeless without the active participation of the minority, Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog stated at the seminar entitled “The situation of Roma in Europe – Finnish and Hungarian Experiences, European Answers”, with the participation of Ambassador of Finland Pasi Tuominen, Finnish MP Pekka Haavisto, Head of the Finnish Education Agency Aulis Pitkälä, and President Henna Huttu and CEO Tino Varjola from the Fintiko Romano Forum.

Minister Martonyi: Hungary shows its commitment to Africa

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 27, 2013 3:38 PM

Foreign Minister János Martonyi attended the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity, in Budapest on 24 May. The regional organisation of the African continent has been called the African Union since 2002.

Subsistence Farming Programme - Over 100 thousand sacks of seed potatoes distributed

Ministry of Rural Development, May 27, 2013 1:19 PM

Two Kiskunhegyes families with several children received the 99,999th and one-hundred thousandth sack of seed potatoes on Saturday, within the framework of the Ministry of Rural Development's Subsistence Farming Programme. The 30kg sacks of potatoes were presented to the middle-aged couples, who live in difficult social circumstances, by the head of the Ministry, Sándor Fazekas.

Women in Focus: Conference on Measures to Support Women and Families

Ministry for National Economy, May 24, 2013 3:29 PM

The Hungarian Group of the European Parliament's People's Party held a conference entitled "What has the Government Done for Women, Families and Children" on 24 May 2013, within the framework of the Free Europe Debate series. The goal of the Conference was to review the Government's family policies and the results achieved.

Crisis Management and Reform Policy in Central and Eastern Europe

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, May 24, 2013 2:29 PM

On Friday, at a conference organized by the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice and the Public Policy Research Institute as part of the Hungarian presidency of the Central European Initiative (CEI) – entitled ‘Crisis Management and Reform Policy in Central and Eastern Europe’ – Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said that Brussels must see that the response to challenges faced by the region is of crucial importance to the whole European community.

János Martonyi: Legal issues should not be confused with political debates

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 24, 2013 2:26 PM

In his opening lecture at the Pro Integratione 2013 conference on Friday, Foreign Minister János Martonyi declared that the system of European integration must be operated within a strict and well-defined legal framework, and if we confuse legal matters with political-ideological debates, then we endanger the operation of the entire system.

International declaration of ministers on better transport funding

Ministry of National Development, May 24, 2013 1:42 PM

Transport infrastructure is the backbone of national economies.

Sustainable architecture

Ministry of National Development, May 24, 2013 1:40 PM

The Conference on Sustainable Architecture, jointly organised by the Ministry of Rural Development, the Ministry of National Development and the Ministry of Interior was held in Budapest on 23 May 2013, attracting substantial interest. The high ranking leaders of the organising ministries and the Hungarian and foreign speakers active in this specialised area highlighted the importance of energy aspects related housing newly-built or to be reconstructed.

Opening Remarks by State Secretary Iván Bába at the opening of the exhibition: “International development cooperation – Fight against poverty”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 24, 2013 1:01 PM

Administrative State Secretary Iván Bába opened the photo exhibit “International development cooperation – Fight against poverty” May 24, 2013. State Secretary Bába delivered the following remarks at the event organised in the main building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.