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Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang is on an official visit to Hungary

Prime Minister’s Office, September 17, 2013 5:34 PM

Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang is on a four-day official visit to Hungary, meeting Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as well as Hungarian ministers and other public dignitaries, including his Hungarian counterpart President János Áder, Speaker of Parliament László Kövér and Budapest Mayor István Tarlós. The President has also opened an exhibition of Vietnamese ceramics at Budapest’s Museum of Ethnography and addressed a Vietnamese-Hungarian business forum today, stressing Vietnam’s openness towards investors from Hungary.

National Cyclist Charter: the will of every cyclist

Ministry of National Development, September 17, 2013 5:18 PM

Representatives of the Cycling Roundtable, which comprises seven civil cyclists' organisations, signed a National Cyclist Charter on 17 September 2013 at the Ministry of National Development in Budapest. Minister of State for Infrastructure Pál Völner said that he views the document as a suitable basis for the joint finalisation of related political and financing goals for the upcoming European Union programming period.

Water Cooperation Agreement Signed with Vietnam

Ministry of Rural Development, September 17, 2013 4:50 PM

Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Cao Duc Phat have signed an agreement on water cooperation.

Opening to markets outside the European Union is necessary, Minister Navracsics says

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, September 17, 2013 4:44 PM

Vietnam is awaiting investors from Hungary and will create favourable conditions for them to work - Vietnam’s President, Truong Tan Sang said at today’s Vietnamese-Hungarian Business Forum in Budapest.

Prime Minister Orbán: Hungary may regain its position in the region in 2013-2014

Prime Minister’s Office, September 17, 2013 4:25 PM

Hungary may again become one of the regions frontrunners in 2013-2014, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a conference of honorary consuls in Budapest on Tuesday.

Hungary signs culture, sport and healthcare agreements with Vietnam

Ministry of Human Resources, September 17, 2013 2:29 PM

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog and Vietnamese Deputy Ministers Le Khanh Hai and Le Quang Cuong concluded inter-ministerial agreements on culture, sport and healthcare on 16 September 2013 in Budapest. The work schedules determined for 2004-2016 will allow future direct cooperation between institutes and the development and realisation of concrete cooperation programmes. Parliamentary State Secretary András Doncsev from the Ministry of Human Resources opened an exhibition entitled "Vietnamese Porcelain - Fragile Reminiscence" in the Museum of Ethnography.

Economy Minister Mihály Varga: budget deficit to be below 3 percent this year and next

Ministry for National Economy, September 17, 2013 1:47 PM

The Ministry for National Economy calculated next year’s budget with an inflation rate of 2.8 percent, economic growth of 2 percent and government budget deficit of below 3 percent, Mihály Varga told InfoRádio on Monday evening. He emphasised that no large-scale modifications are to be expected within the taxation system next year.

Hungarian-Vietnamese Nuclear Cooperation Treaty Signed

Ministry of National Development, September 17, 2013 12:35 PM

On 16 September 2013, Minister of State for Energy Pál Kovács and Vietnam's Deputy Minister of Education Pham Manh Hung signed an agreement on bilateral cooperation within the fields of nuclear training, research, administration and technology, in the presence of President of the Republic János Áder and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang at Sándor Palace, the official residence of Hungary's President in Budapest.

Tibor Navracsics signs treaties with Vietnam

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, September 17, 2013 12:19 PM

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics and Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh have signed a Treaty on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons and an Extradition Treaty, both concluded between Hungary and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Hungary supports democratic transition in Myanmar

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 16, 2013 6:37 PM

It is important that Burma’s democratic transformation is completed successfully, Zsolt Németh, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said after meeting Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel-prize Laureate member of the Burmese opposition September 13, 2013.