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CFE inspections in Ukraine

Ministry of Defence, October 11, 2013 10:40 AM

Merely three weeks after the Hungarian-led inspection in Ukraine, between 30 September and 04 October, a Ukrainian-led multinational inspection team conducted two, so called “declared site” inspection in Hungary based on the provisions of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (the CFE Treaty).

Prime Minister sends condolences to Wilfried Martens' wife

Prime Minister’s Office, October 10, 2013 4:31 PM

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent his condolences in a letter to Ms Miet Smet, the widow of Wilfried Martens, co-founder and president of the European People's Party, and Belgium's former prime minister.

János Martonyi receives Serbian Speaker of Parliament

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 10, 2013 2:36 PM

On 9 October, Foreign Minister János Martonyi held a meeting with Speaker of Serbian Parliament Nebojša Stefanović, who is in Hungary to hold bilateral talks and take part in the meeting of Speakers of Parliament from the Western Balkans and Hungary.

Press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 10, 2013 1:20 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary has learned with deep sorrow and sadness about the passing of Mr. Wilfried Martens.

A new milestone of Hungarian-Mongolian economic partnership

Ministry for National Economy, October 10, 2013 1:14 PM

The Hungarian-Mongolian Business Forum organized by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which was also supported by Hungary’s Ministry for National Economy, held on 8 October 2013 in Budapest was an event which attracted great interest.

Hungary is a Special Guest at the Golden Autumn Agriculture Fair in Moscow

Ministry of Rural Development, October 10, 2013 1:13 PM

Hungary is one of the special guests at the Golden Autumn agriculture and food industry exhibition, which opened in Moscow on Wednesday. The Hungarian delegation is headed by Minster for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas.

Opening towards the East accelerates also in Transport Policy

Ministry of National Development, October 10, 2013 12:18 PM

The transport ministers of Eastern Partnership countries adopted a Joint Declaration at their second meeting in Luxembourg on 9 October, 2013. The parties agreed to continue cooperation as well as the gradual approximation of the regulatory legislation to the EU law in all transport areas. The ministers also approved the map of regional transport networks and the list of priority infrastructure development projects.

China Europe Water Platform - Water is our Most Important Strategic Resource

Ministry of Rural Development, October 10, 2013 11:46 AM

"Water is not only the most valuable but also the most crucial and strategic resource of the 21st century, and it therefore requires special management and protection", Zoltán Illés declared at the session of the China Europe Water Platform in Budapest on Wednesday. The Ministry of Rural Development's Minister of State for Environmental Affairs pointed out that in future, most of the conflicts throughout the world would be caused by a lack of water.

CEPOL comes to Hungary

Ministry of Interior, October 10, 2013 10:23 AM

CEPOL, the EU organisation responsible for setting up and conducting training programmes for police officers, will be located in Hungary – said Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér in Luxembourg.

Employment scheme to be launched for women above the age of 55

Ministry for National Economy, October 10, 2013 10:21 AM

The Ministry for National Economy is launching an employment programme for those unemployed women who are older than 55 years and who have less than one year of the 40-year employment period required for retirement, Minister of State for Employment Sándor Czomba said at a press conference in Budapest.