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Hungarian-Danish programs to promote persons with disabilities

Ministry of Human Resources, December 10, 2013 9:56 AM

Hungarian-Danish joint programs are reported to be launched in order to enhance the integration of people with disabilities in society. Addressing this topic, a two-day conference and workshop has begun on Monday in Budapest. In the event, those best practices from Denmark, which have already been introduced and adopted in Hungary will be presented, as well.

The Visegrád Four adopted a joint statement on enhanced collaboration within the European Research Area

Ministry for National Economy, December 10, 2013 9:40 AM

The four countries’ ministers responsible for research, development and innovation signed a joint statement on enhanced collaboration among the Visegrád countries within the ERA after a session of coordination, organized by the Hungarian presidency, was completed in Budapest.

The National Development Agency held its campaign closing event at the renewed Liszt Academy of Music

Prime Minister’s Office, December 9, 2013 5:43 PM

The National Development Agency (NFÜ) held a campaign closing event for its Számít a szavam! (My word counts!) programme at the Liszt Academy of Music.

Fish Consumption Increases by 20 percent

Ministry of Rural Development, December 9, 2013 5:24 PM

As a result of the Ministry of Rural Development's promotion campaign launched at the end of last year, fish consumption is the only area within the food sector that has seen a marked, 20 percent increase in Hungary this year, Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas declared at the opening of this year's fish marketing drive in Tiszafüred on Monday.

Unique Remediation Achievements following the Red Mud Disaster

Ministry of Rural Development, December 9, 2013 5:22 PM

Thanks to its rapid and professional measures, Hungary has achieved unique results in remediation following the Red Mud Disaster, the Ministry of Rural Development's Minister of State for Environmental Affairs said at a press conference today.

Government to assume City of Pécs’s debt

Ministry of Interior, December 9, 2013 5:22 PM

After assuming HUF 29.7 billion in debt form the City of Pécs last year, the remaining HUF 14.4 billion will now also assumed by the Government – Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér said.

The Hungarian state drew EUR 34.1 million as extra funding from the transaction of Richter exchangeable bonds

Ministry for National Economy, December 9, 2013 5:08 PM

At the joint press conference organized by the Ministry for National Economy, the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. and Gedeon Richter Plc., Minister of State for Taxation and Financial Affairs Gábor Orbán said that through the assistance of the Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. the Government repurchased all outstanding Richter exchangeable bonds with nominal value of EUR 833.3 million due 2014 and the Asset Management Inc. concurrently issued new Richter bonds due 2019 exchangeable into the company’s shares, totalling EUR 903.8 million.

Inter-institutional meeting on International Anti-Corruption Day

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, December 9, 2013 4:38 PM

The Government aims to launch a preventive attack against corruption, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics said on Monday at an inter-institutional meeting held on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day.

General government surplus HUF 11.3bn in November

Ministry for National Economy, December 9, 2013 4:00 PM

In the month of November 2013, the central sub sector of the state budget registered a monthly surplus of HUF 11.3bn. The end-of-November cash flow data on the general government budget are in line with the Government’s expectations. Revenues and expenditures projected for this month and next confirm that the deficit target of below 3 percent for the entire year will be achieved.

Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics: EU Data Protection Debate Stalled

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, December 9, 2013 3:34 PM

The European Union’s debate on the envisaged data protection law has come to a halt and Tibor Navracsics doubts any progress will be made in the matter within this cycle, before the European Parliament’s elections are held next May.