The European Commission’s 2013 work programme recently accepted by the European Parliament is in line with the Hungarian Government’s measures taken in the last two years, since the European Commission’s work plan put the emphasis on growth incentives and workplace creation.

Similarly to the domestic endeavours the fight against youth unemployment and incentives for economic growth are considered to be some of the most significant priorities in the 2013 European Commission work programme. In order to end the economic downturn and to take responsibility for the future generations, Hungary has to break out of the debt trap and create a work-based European economy.

The kick-starting of the European economy is largely related to future trends of the European Commission’s activity, which is influenced through the decision of the European Parliament in relation to the commission’s yearly lawmaking process. In this process, the European People’s Party plays an important role coordinated by József Szájer, member of the party in the European Parliament.

(Prime Minister’s Office)