The Ministry of Rural Development is asking the opinions of farmers and producers regarding seeds; the Ministry is conducting a poll among farmers and producers regarding the quality of seeds used in Hungary, before agricultural work begins this spring.

The supply of seeds is one of the crucial elements in the development of Hungarian Agriculture. The foundation of quality crop production is the use of appropriate varieties and seeds. The basic condition for economically sound production is the use of seeds of outstanding quality that are produced under controlled circumstances and are best suited to our national cropping conditions. This initiative was presented by György Czerván, Secretary of State for Agricultural Economy, at the Seed Show held parallel to the European forum entitled „Act for Diversity". Over one hundred growers sell and exchange their seeds and crop plants at the Seed Show organised on Mars Square in Szeged.

We are sad to say that during past years the quality of the seeds has left much to be desired. At various farmers meetings, representatives of Ministry of Agriculture often hear complaints that seeds are not resistant enough to the various diseases or do not sprout at all. The questionnaire poll conducted by the Ministry or Rural Development hopes to help reveal the causes.

The results of the survey should serve the future of the seed sector by helping the Ministry acquire an exact and comprehensive picture of growers' seed-utilisation habits. In addition, it is also important to solve those problems experienced by both farmers and hobby gardeners that come to light as a result of the survey.

The questionnaires will be forwarded to the farmers’ organizations and the settlements' producers' network nationwide. The public survey will be completed on April 20, 2011 and can be downloaded from the government’s webpage:

The questionnaires should be filled out anonymously, but we also welcome any signed proposals and suggestions.

Replies should be sent to the address of the Ministry of Rural Development (Budapest, 1055 Kossuth tér 11) or to the following e-mail address: [[[fXSRNtLiBqZPCyH4YZQGaW5mb0B2bS5nb3YuaHU=]]], by no later that April 20, 2011 and should include the word „Vetőmag” (Seed).

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)