Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Cao Duc Phat have signed an agreement on water cooperation.

At the press conference following the signing ceremony, Minister Fazekas said that relations concerning fisheries development, food safety, animal health and training between Vietnam and the Fisheries and Irrigation Research Institute in Szarvas have been in existence for over a decade, and this relationship has now been supplemented with a new field: cooperation on water. Mr. Fazekas expressed his hope that, similarly to previous treaties, the document signed today would mean the beginning of a long-term partnership between the two countries.

Photo: Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development

Cooperation on agriculture between Hungary and Vietnam is supported by several inter-ministerial treaties relating to agricultural research and development, crop production, animal husbandry and feed production, water management and forest management.

The Institute for Small Animal Research and Co-ordination Centre for Gene Conservation (KÁTKI) and the Association of Hungarian Small Animal Breeders for Gene Conservation (MGE) have been building excellent professional relations with their Vietnamese partner institutions (including the National Institute of Animal Husbandry in Hanoi) within the field of animal husbandry, and especially poultry and rabbit farming, since 1998.

Photo: Press Office of the Ministry of Rural DevelopmentAlso of special importance is the cooperation established between the Hungarian Forest Research Institute and the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV), which predominantly concerns the fields of breeding, gene preservation, climate selection and adaptation. Furthermore, at the meeting of the Hungarian-Vietnamese Joint Economic Committee in November 2012 it was also decided that the Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition (ÁTK) was ready to provide highly advanced technology and professional knowledge to enable Vietnam to begin industrial pig farming.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)