Mr. József Ángyán is at the world’s largest Bio Agricultural Fair held in Nürnberg. The most important value of ecological farming is to produce healthy and safe food products, free of additives.

Meanwhile it should not pollute the environment and should have a beneficial effect on traditional agricultural production including food production, said Mr. József Ángyán at the opening ceremony of the Bio-Fach 2011 agriculture fair held in Nürnberg.

The Director of Parliamentary Affairs at the Ministry of Rural Development emphasized in his lecture given in German, that Hungary has been conducting ecological farming for nearly 30 years. It is crucial that more and more farmers should use this method and the size of farming areas cultivated in an ecological way should increase. In order to create favorable domestic conditions we also need the EU’s commitment, said Mr. József Ángyán. He highlighted the goal that the support and the size of areas cultivated in an ecological way should increase throughout the Union. The director also explained that one of the most important issues on the daily agenda of the Hungarian Presidency is to discuss the future of the CAP. Europe is responsible for the development of a sustainable, environment-friendly and greener agriculture.

A livable countryside, the preservation of its value and diversity should be its essential part as well. The answers given to questions concerning the CAP’s future should reflect the above issues said Mr. Ángyán. From all over the World more than 2005 participants displayed their products in more than 46000 m2 devoted to the Nürnberg Bio-Fach 2011 Agricultural Fair. The exhibition’s president was the IFOAM. The Hungarian exhibitors offered bio-apple juice, frozen vegetables, biopasta, herbs and bio margarine. The Hungarian State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development was pleased that the IFOAM together with the Hungarian bio organizations will attend another event at the end of May which is part of the European Presidency. The international conference will be held in Hortobágy with the slogan “Bio Farming as an Option for the European Agriculture.”

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)