"The per capita consumption of pork in Hungary should increase by three kilograms within the following year, and we are accordingly launching a campaign to promote pork consumption", Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas announced at a press conference in Budapest today.

At the press conference held in the Laci Pecsenye Restaurant in Budapest, Mr. Fazekas said that the average Hungarian currently consumes 25 kilograms of pork per year, but that this figure was three times higher during the 1990s.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba PelsőczyThe marketing drive is part of the Ministry's Pork Strategy, the implementation of which has already begun.

The Strategy, which is designed to improve the status of the Hungarian pork sector, targets the improvement of genetic stocks and aims to make it easier for goods to reach the market, as well as including several measures in preparation for the development of a Quality Hungarian Pork trademark.

(Ministry of Rural Development)